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52 WEEKS STUDYING THE WORD - The Complete Bible Study Resource for Older Adults

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52 WEEKS STUDYING THE WORD - The Complete Bible Study Resource for Older Adults

  • SKU: P239
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Here is all you or a volunteer will need to lead a Christian Bible study session every week of the year. The book includes prayers, hymn suggestions, Bible verses, a lesson on the scripture, discussion questions, and a hands-on activity. Divided into four seasons, there are 13 lessons each on the topics of joy, grace, love & compassion, and gratitude. The sessions are written in a simple, read-aloud style, and are designed to provide spiritual comfort and inspiration, mental stimulation, tangible engagement in the lessons, and opportunities to share verbally, musically, and socially. A hymn suggestion from Hymn-Sing with ElderSong is made for each session.

Sample sessions: Make a Joyful Noise, The Joy of Restored Relationships, Finding Joy in Trials, Strength Found in Grace, Grace Be With You, His Grace Is Sufficient, Love in Action, Burden Bearers, The Greatest Love of All, Finding Contentment, Gifts From Above, Blessings in the Little Things

167-page 8-1/2" x 11" softcover book; spiral bound

Written by Haley Burress and Erin McCart; ISBN 1-879633-84-1; copyright 2015